[Lazarus] Mutlithreaded Dll Callback crashes my Application

Vincent Snijders vincent.snijders at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 14:01:26 CEST 2010

2010/8/3 Maik Wojcieszak <maikwo at googlemail.com>:
> The latest release is 2.4.0. Why does the lazarus installer for windows
> install 2.2.4, it seems  a little bit out of date ?

FPC 2.2.4 was the latest release, when the latest Lazarus release was
made. FPC 2.4.0 contains some bugs with respect to winlike resources,
which disqualifies it for use with a Lazarus release. So no new
Lazarus release will be made until fpc 2.4.2 has been released.


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