[Lazarus] Mutlithreaded Dll Callback crashes my Application
Maik Wojcieszak
maikwo at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 3 15:02:22 CEST 2010
This is the result of the test:
G:\Workdir HEAD\cb Test\thr_test>project1.exe
Main ThreadID=864
Creating external thread
External is called - ThreadID=6000
TSomeClass.someMethod called
Freeing external thread
G:\Workdir HEAD\cb Test\thr_test>
it's ok, isn't it ?
Alexander Grau schrieb:
> Maik,
> I have written the counterpart of the "textthr.pp" test (I mentioned
> before) for Win32 below - it works for my compiler (release 2.4.0 ).
> Maybe you want to try it on your version (2.2.4) too.
> Now I think your problem is more related to something inside the DLL
> (just another assumption). Try to do just a simple call inside your
> callback to that DLL, and do not create or pass FPC strings
> ('someString') and do not call anything from the FPC runtime
> (assigned(x)). If that it still does work, you have some call
> parameter issues. If it works, try to use more and more from the
> runtime (e.g. try to use PChar strings instead of strings)....
> Regards,
> Alexander
> program project1;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> uses
> {$IFDEF UNIX}{$IFDEF UseCThreads}
> cthreads,
> Classes,
> { you can add units after this }
> windows;
> {$R project1.res}
> type
> TSomeClass = class
> public
> procedure someMethod();
> end;
> procedure TSomeClass.someMethod();
> begin
> writeln('TSomeClass.someMethod called');
> end;
> var
> ThreadID: DWORD; //Thread-ID
> ThreadHandle: THandle; //Rückgabewert von CreateThread
> someObj: TSomeClass;
> procedure someFunc(param: pchar); cdecl;
> begin
> WriteLn('External is called - ThreadID=', GetCurrentThreadId);
> if assigned(param) then writeln('blub');
> writeln('param=', param);
> someObj.someMethod();
> end;
> function ExternalThread(zahl: Pointer): LongInt; stdcall;
> begin
> //Sleep(2000);
> someFunc('test');
> Result:=0;
> end;
> begin
> WriteLn('Main ThreadID=', GetCurrentThreadId);
> someObj:=TSomeClass.create;
> WriteLn('Creating external thread');
> ThreadHandle:=CreateThread(nil, 0,
> TFNThreadStartRoutine(@ExternalThread),
> nil, 0, ThreadID);
> if ThreadHandle = 0 then writeln('ERROR creating external thread');
> readln;
> WriteLn('Freeing external thread');
> if ThreadHandle<>0 then CloseHandle(ThreadHandle);
> someObj.free;
> end.
> Maik Wojcieszak schrieb:
>> Alexander,
>>> Try the following to limit the problem: in your callback do not
>>> call *ANY* FPC runtime related code - Just a "Win32 MessagBox(0,
>>> "hi", "text", MB_OK)". Add the process id (GetProcessId) to that
>>> dialog output and also in your main program (to see if you are
>>> really in an external thread).
>> I am in an external thread.
>>> If that works, call a simple global FPC function (no object) and
>>> again just that callback there.
>>> After that works, just a simple FPC object call and again that
>>> message box.
>>> I still assume in the compiler version you are using, you simply
>>> can't call FPC objects inside external threads.
>> this is the full code of the callback
>> procedure ExecuteCommandClb(tmlhandle : TML_COMMAND_HANDLE; pCBData :
>> Pointer); cdecl;
>> var
>> hsidex : SIDEX_HANDLE;
>> begin
>> tml_Cmd_Get_Sidex_Handle(tmlhandle, at hsidex);
>> if assigned(hsidex) then
>> begin
>> val := sidex_Variant_New_Boolean(true) ;
>> sidex_Variant_Write(hsidex,'Answer', 'Accept', val);
>> sidex_Variant_DecRef(val);
>> end;
>> end;
>> no FPC objects are called. I've thought that this might be the reason
>> and changed the code to try, but it didn't work either.
>> All calls are API calls of my dll.
>>> Also have a look at the mantis - e.g. see if 0012987 is related to
>>> your problem? (http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=12987)
>> This sounds pretty much like my problem.
>> I'm new to lazarus and I've downloaded the installer package as it
>> is. Can I change the FPC Compiler without changing my current IDE and
>> how can I do this ?
>> I think it might be a good idea to use the current version to double
>> check if the problem is still there.
>> The latest release is 2.4.0. Why does the lazarus installer for
>> windows install 2.2.4, it seems a little bit out of date ?
>>> I might be fully wrong with my assumptions, I'm just thinking loudly
>>> because I had the same issue - just another architecture :-)
>> I am happy about any hint to solve this one. The dll is already
>> ported to Linux and Mac OS-X and I've decided to use lazarus for
>> some demo applications.
>> Maik
>> --
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