[Lazarus] Lazarus platform "popularity contest"

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Thu Aug 12 09:16:44 CEST 2010

Am 12.08.2010 08:55, schrieb Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho:
> On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd
> <markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
>> Does anybody have any current figures as to the relative popularity of
>> Lazarus on different CPUs and OSes?
> There you go, I have put the Source Forge statistics in a table:
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/User:Sekelsenmat#Lazarus_and_Free_Pascal_usage_statistics_from_Source_Forge
> The only surprise for me was Nintendo DS. wow, it has a lot of
> downloads, and then people didn't upgrade much to the latest FPC. 

> It
> seams that development for game consoles also attracts a huge number
> of developers, but those consoles only live a couple of years, so when
> they become obsolete you need to start over.

SF is only a small part of FPC's downloads. The fpc master ftp has
approx. 25,000 downloads (less in summer) of fpc-2.4.0.i386-win32.exe
per month. So approx. 300,000 per year and this is only one mirror. So
the reason for the high Nintendo DS download number might be that some
webpage/blog/wiki with a FPC Nintendo DS howto links directly to the SF
page and thus the statistics gets wrong.

About the Mac OS X "market": well, fpc-2.4.0.intel-macosx.dmg has 300 to
400 downloads per months.

Numbers can be found at: http://www.hu.freepascal.org/webalizer

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