[Lazarus] from hfiandor 17 ago 2010

hector fiandor hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu
Wed Aug 18 01:20:14 CEST 2010

Sérgio Miguel Neves Lopes schrieb:

> 3) installed FPC 2.4.0 again recompiled with 'make clean all' on both
> checkouts (lazarus and fpc) installed fpc to a new location ( as
> stated in the previous emai) using 'make install
> INSTALL_PREFIX=~/Tools/local/freepascal/fpc/bin'
> Now I have two pascal versions, but the newer one is not being
> install, before I go ahead and start changing path settings and
> whatnot, is there any other process or compile/install settings I
> should try?

You can change the Lazarus Environment Options, to use the new fpc.


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