[Lazarus] Reading\Writing Blobs (Maybe off-topic)

Andreas Berger Andreas at TheBergerClan.org
Fri Aug 20 01:21:37 CEST 2010

  Interesting. So you load via a stream? Do you first write the blob to 
the stream, rewind and then pass it to the parameters?


On 19/8/2010 4:11 AM, Birger Jansen wrote:
> I have experience with firebird, blob fields, and a little bit zeos, but not with the combination of all three together. We always use blobs with (memory)streams and parameters. A query then looks like
> MyQuery.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE BlobTable SET BlobField = :BlobField WHERE MyID = :MyID'
> And the query-parameter is set:
> MyQuery.Params.ParamByName('BlobField').LoadFromStream(MemSt, ftBlob);
> Maybe you have the same options in Zeos?
> Kind regards,
>    Birger

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