[Lazarus] Reading .fr3 files from LazReports

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Aug 24 22:17:35 CEST 2010

On Tue, 24 Aug 2010, Bogusław Brandys wrote:

>> interface
>> {$I LR_Vers.inc}
>> uses
>>   SysUtils, Classes, MaskUtils, Controls, FileUtil, Forms, ComCtrls, 
>> Dialogs,
>>   Menus, Variants, DB, Graphics, Printers, osPrinters, DOM, XMLRead, 
>> XMLConf, LCLType,
>>   LCLIntf, TypInfo, LCLProc,{$IFDEF UNIX}SysUtilsAdds,{$ENDIF} LR_View, 
>> LR_Pars,
>>   LR_Intrp, LR_DSet, LR_DBSet, LR_DBRel, LR_Const;
>> As you can see, this includes a lot of the LCL units, and they depend on X 
>> through the widgetset.
>> Yes, I know about the no_gui widgetset, but if you use that, you'll get a 
>> bunch of errors because of missing functionality (pagewidth/height missing 
>> or zero, no font info etc.).
>> Lazreport inherited from fastreport a totally misplaced dependency on the 
>> GUI, unfortunately :/
>> For desktop apps, this is perfectly OK. But not for web apps.
>> Michael.
> You can use a combination of powerpdf with pascal script and a set of 
> intermediate helper classes.

That is definitely an option.


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