[Lazarus] Mutlithreaded Dll Callback crashes my Application

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 23:07:02 CEST 2010

Hello Lazarus-List,

Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 10:05:32 PM, you wrote:

>> In Delphi setting IsMultithread to true is a must to use non TThread
>> threads. Taken from Embarcadero QA:
SB> FPC is not Delphi and in this regard those two differ.

Ok, I quoted Delphi just as a side note, and the reason I included it
in the message. In fact there is some routines here and there that
checks isMultiThread in order to perform or not locks. Of course, if
heap is not properly initialized... ;)

>> Also the one thread creation is only for Unix systems, win32 does not
>> have this problem since a lot of time.
SB> Windows DOES have this problem.

In that case I misunderstood a quite recent message in fpc mailing
list, my apologizes.

>> On the other hand, if Unix needs one thread creation then it should be
>> automagically done in the initialization section of cthreads, do not ?
SB> This might indeed be a solution.

If windows have the same problem, threading system should be
initialized in... somewhere automagically as windows multithread is
always present.

Best regards,

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