[Lazarus] How to configure IDE for my own libraries?

Andreas Schneider aksdb at gmx.de
Mon Aug 30 10:22:47 CEST 2010

On Mon, 30 Aug 2010 09:05:46 +0100, Frank Church <vfclists at gmail.com>


> I am thinking along this line but I don't know how to go about. I


> drag a component onto a project form for the components unit to be added

> to the file I am working on. My units are source units only, not

> components. What is the right way to add a non visual package to a

> project, no components, visual or otherwise, just plain source code? I


> yet to build a Lazarus package.

Then you could also add it to the search path in your fpc.cfg (add another

-Fu line). That way it works in /every/ program you compile. No need to

specify packages or anything else.

Best Regards,


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