[Lazarus] TJPegImage on CGI app
Leonardo M. Ramé
l.rame at griensu.com
Tue Aug 31 17:38:39 CEST 2010
Hi Lazarus List and Alvaro,
Below is the reply to this message from my friend Alvaro in Spain, who
is a part-time Delphi programmer.
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 6:03 AM, Peter E Williams <pew at iinet.net.au>
> Hi Alvaro,
> forwarded below is another yet to be answered post to the
> programmers list. I would appreciate your thoughts on it. The
> for solving this problem are identical in Lazarus and Delphi.
> Best Regards,
> Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
> Hi All,
> A few months ago I posted some messages about converting my
dBase code
> (in Delphi) to lazarus. I was advised that I should NOT use
> Dataset.RecNo but instead I should use bookmarks. Can someone
> advise me how to rewrite:
> with Hexx_Data_DBF.FieldDefs do
> Hexx_Data_DBF_RecNo := Dataset.RecNo;
> to use the safer method of using bookmarks???
> type
> { Thxboard }
> Thxboard = class(TForm)
> Hexx_Data_DBF: TDbf;
> var
> TraceFile_DBF_RecNo, Hexx_Data_DBF_RecNo : integer;
// here I have the Hexx_Data_DBF file open and begin to loop
through it in a while loop.
> while (not Hexx_Data_DBF.EOF) and not found do
> begin
> if (pattern_is_db_current(pattern1)) then
> begin
> save_options(pattern1);
> found := true;
// here I save the RecNo in a variable
> with Hexx_Data_DBF.FieldDefs do
> Hexx_Data_DBF_RecNo := Dataset.RecNo;
// the close the database
> close_db;
> if trace_moves then
> begin
// open a different TDbf file (Trace_File)
> open_trace_file;
> With Trace_File_DBF do
> try
// go to the RecNo of the saved Trace_File's
> with Trace_File_DBF.FieldDefs do
> Dataset.RecNo := (TraceFile_DBF_RecNo);
// save the Hexx_Data_DBF's RecNo into the
> FieldByName('record_no' ).AsInteger :=
> Hexx_Data_DBF_RecNo;
// hmmm.... not sure whether I should be using
finally or except here.
> //finally
> except
> showmessage( 'An exception occured in
> write_updated_pattern - writing to trace file.');
> close_trace_file;
> end;
> end;
// reopen the Hexx_Data_DBF file
> open_db;
// and the go back to the RecNo saved in the variable
> with Hexx_Data_DBF.FieldDefs do
> Dataset.RecNo := (Hexx_Data_DBF_RecNo);
> end;
// then use the Next procedure to continue looping through
the DBF datafile
> Hexx_Data_DBF.Next;
> end;
> [...]
> Alvaro GP wrote:
> Hi Peter
> I never used bookmarks when I programmed in Delphi. Some people say
> that you shouldn't use RecNo because if you ever upscale your
> application to a SQL database, in the world of SQL servers there isn't
> the concept of "record number" but instead you browse the found
> records using a "Next" method repeatedly until there isn't any new
> records to read.
> If you have no intention to use SQL databases, you can safely continue
> using RecNo.
> --
> Alvaro GP
> Lite Applications
> www.liteapplications.com
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