[Lazarus] Adding codepage-support to the RTL (making LConvEncoding obsolete)

Guy Fink merlin352 at globe.lu
Fri Dec 3 15:11:32 CET 2010

> > We had this discussion in September.
> Yes, so I was curious to see your progress on this front in 3 months.
> >I think there is no need to repeat this again.
> Well. I hope I made clear in September I'm not going to commit anything
> without this is being fixed, so submitting this report was IMHO a bit
> premature.
> > I will add a replacement for charset, using the codepages unit, so
> > existing code will still work.$
> I prefer a patch that extends the current unit, not a new unit. It's
> hard to
> evaluate of an entire 3rd party product is truly backward compatible.
> (and
> charset has been in FPC for ages, so must be supported fully backwards
> compatible)

What do you mean with "fully backwards compatible"? That function header and syntax is the same, or that charset is a holy cow where no byte may be changed?

> As said in September, it is wiser to work with a registration system,
> that will
> registrers codepages to an internal table on demand, with their system
> dependant registration.
> We can then put this dynamic registration deep in the RTL, and allow
> higher
> level units to plug into it.

When you look at the code you see that it is exactly this, a registration system. But a static one, not a dynamic. The table is filled with default value, so the code does not need any search and "if then else"-orgies to find a codepage. if a codepage is not registered it raises an exception. As I wrote, I have not included all the codepages at this point, because I do not want to do the work twice if any changes come out of this discussion.

> Keep in mind that Lazarus apps are always fairly large. FPC is also used
> for e.g. cgi apps,
> and even embedded arm code. So such systems must be optional, and
> default as
> light as reasonably possible.

What shall be ligther than to only include what is needed?

> >
> > Exactly, this was the goal, to get it completely independent of the
> > system.
> This means that it must go in a packages/ then, since if it is not
> needed for
> the default RTL, it can be in packages/.
> The default RTL widestring manager must be as lean as possible, and thus
> be
> able to work with OS tables.
> > There is a pseudo-codepage called ANSI ..  it will call the system
> > routines in the final release (if they exist).
> (just fyi: Windows has _three_ different encodings. One is always utf-8
> (the
>  -W routines, the other is "system ansi" which can be any
> 1-byte codepage,
>  and the third is OEM, a more hardware font oriented encoding used for
> the
>  console)

just fyi:
  There are 4 different: You forgot the default MAC-codepage
 and also just fyi:
  Following Microsoft documentation Widechars are encoded UTF-16 not UTF-8

> > > None of these faults prevent inclusion in say packages/ as a
> backup
> > > solution for systems without codepages, but for rtl/ it is not
> modular
> > > enough (too big, too much a standalone system that doesn't
> integrate
> > > with system)
> >
> > It is so modular that you can choose codepage by codepage what you
> need.
> - It has a compiletime defined enumeration of codepages, which I assume
>   means that adding new encodings can't be added without recompile
> - it doesn't manage any relation to system encodings. I don't know hw
> > Furthermore you can tune size vs.  speed by the compilerdirectives.
>  And
> > for the same functionality, the result is not bigger than with
> charset.
> Most people install FPC precompiled, and such and any other
> configuration
> must be possible without recompilation.

For the final release there will be at least 67 codepages to choose from, and only UTF-8 and UTF-16 will be compiled in. (perhaps ISO-8859-1 as a last ressort also.. will see). And you dont't have to recompile anything to use this codepages, just include the needed units in your uses-clause. If the RTL is compiled with switch cpCnvUseAutoregister they will register themselves.

> Some more points:
> - is iconv actually used ?

no it is not.

> - why is unit dos included? Risky, since using the wrong function might
>   cause truncation due to ansistring<->shortstring functions

both points are a leftover from LConvEncoding ... They will be taken off.

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