[Lazarus] Adding codepage-support to the RTL (makingLConvEncoding obsolete)

Guy Fink merlin352 at globe.lu
Sat Dec 4 15:34:50 CET 2010

> > There is no information on the language in a string, even not in a
> > Unicodestring. So it is impossible to react on this point here.
> IMO there is no need to have a language encoded in the string. Strings
> won't get autoconverted to upper/lowercase. It's always a user call to
> Upper/Lowercase(S)

I agree completely.

> To take the Language into account when converting, functions like
> Upper/Lowercase should have a 2nd optional parameter indicating for what
> language the conversion should be done.
> THen the default conversion still can take place, but based on the
> specified language, the exceptions can be implemented (if there anrent
> many exceptions, only a simple case will do)
> Marc

I also agree, but as José Mejuto wrote the tables for that seem to be very large. I'm sure optimisation can be done but you have also seen the comment from Marco van de Voort that the tables are by now too big for the RTL.


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