[Lazarus] fcl-web, html and data-binding

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sun Dec 5 20:16:15 CET 2010

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Leonardo M. Ramé <l.rame at griensu.com> wrote:
> Hi, yesterday I was talking with a colleague about creating a complex
> html (no ajax) form using fcl-web.
> I explained that I know two ways to do it, the first one is to create the
> html and return it in the Response.content property, the other is using templates.
> All CRUD operations must me handled by hand.
> He told me that he is used to do it in the "ASP.Net way", that he can
> draw the form with the IDE and the CRUD operations are automatically
> handled.
> Does anyone knows if there's a more simplier way to create HTML CRUD
> forms using lazarus and fcl-web?

I think it's just create your own framework. In Delphi I have a
"mini-crud framework for creating CRUD quickly. DBware not use, only
the standard widgets as TEdit, TMemo, etc.. Widget names correspond to
the fields of the tables (using some prefixes like edtName where
"name" is the field in the table). The Tag property is also used ...
short, simple and fast. I think the same idea could be used to create
a mini-framework for CRUD in HTML. That's what I want to do, so start
using the fcl-web daily.

Marcos Douglas

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