[Lazarus] Fwd: [OT] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Peter E Williams pewtas at gmail.com
Fri Dec 24 06:44:03 CET 2010

ps - I sent this from my wrong gmail account.

Fond Regards, Peter Eric WILLIAMS
--- Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
--- Phone: +61 (03) 6236-9675
My free websites are:  http://pewink.info   (&)
My free blog is: patientxmarksthespot.wordpress.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter E Williams <pewslinuxvault at gmail.com>
Date: 24 December 2010 11:57
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] [OT] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
To: Lazarus mailing list <lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org>

Hi Marcelo and all,

I would like to second that sentiment of Very Merry Christmas wishes and a
Happy New Year for 2010.

Most of you will probably remember me from my old email address of
foss.pascal.game.developer at iinet.net.au (which I no longer check).

I currently subscribe to this lazarus and pascal list with
pewtas at gmail.comand the lazarus only list with
piffle.the.cat at iinet.net.au (which reflects the name I gave to my computer
installation at the time of testing Mandriva Linux 2010 Spring OS)

I have now settled with Mint Linux 10 (codename Julia). The site claims that
it is the 4th most popular OS behind Windows, Mac and Ubuntu Linux, in that

I have currently installed Lazarus 0.ubuntu build (I think, because
in the about window the version string is truncated at the bu of the word

I am running Gnome (IIRC) and I would say that it is GTK2 widget set to
guess. How do I check this?

A blank project compiles ok without errors and runs fine.

Excellent work team!

Merry Christmas  :)))

Fond Regards, Peter Eric WILLIAMS
--- Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
--- Phone: +61 (03) 6236-9675
My free websites are:  http://pewink.info   (&)

On 24 December 2010 12:39, Marcelo B de Paula <marcbp at terra.com.br> wrote:

> Hi list,
> After a year of a lot of work to this wonder called Lazarus/FPC, i wish to
> send to all of you who supported and contributed to the project and, of
> course, to the Lazarus and FPC Team guys, who fighted bravely behind the
> frontline, a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
> In the hope that the year that come, be as productive that this one, and
> that the Team achive all its goals, and give us a more and more fantastic
> tool.
> Sincerely,
> Marcelo.
> PS: Forgive me by the bad accent :)
> --
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