[Lazarus] Fwd: Installation of Lazarus 0.9.29 works fine and no problems (very long message!)
Peter E Williams
pewslinuxvault at gmail.com
Sat Dec 25 10:01:22 CET 2010
Hi All,
ooppps!!! send from wrong gmail account again. Sorry folks.
download a screenshot of the debug info window here:
then click on [ Regular Download ] button for the .png image.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peter E Williams <pewslinuxvault at gmail.com>
Date: 24 December 2010 18:56
Subject: Installation of Lazarus 0.9.29 works fine and no problems (very
long message!)
To: Lazarus email list <lazarus at lazarus.freepascal.org>
Merry Christmas 2010 !!!
Let's hope that this nails down this bug.
Installation of Lazarus 0.9.29 works fine and no problems.
Wine / Programs / Lazarus menu item is broken
Open browse to drive c and then open the lazarus folder and right click the
StartLazarus.exe file.
Build all with examples gives errors but without the examples does not give
Important Note to developers:
Please change the Build All menu option so that BEFORE the build all the
menu item Run / Program Reset Debugger.OnClick is called then the Build All
is called.
Note: I have NOT looked at the code as that is not my job.
procedure NewBuildAll.OnClick(Sender: TObject);
(warning: if I try to say this file to a cdrom then the filename is
truncated for Windows compatibility).
Open Location Downloads:
then select the above file and right mouse click and select properties and
permissions tab. Then tick the checkbox
[x] Allow executing file as program and click the [Close] button.
This is a trick you'll need to do for EVERY Windows(tm) .exe file... So take
note. After a while it will be second nature to do this.
I have WINE 1.3 installed which is the unstable new version. The stable
version is 1.3.
Now right mouse click on the file and click on:
Open With Wine Window Program Loader and click on it.
Wait about 3 seconds on my system and the install program opens with an
option for me to select my language and I picked English
'Next >' x 4 times
Additional icons
[x] Create a desktop icon and 'Next >'
Click on 'Install' and the installation proceeds.
(takes about 20 seconds)
then click on 'Finish' and the setup dialog closes.
Close the Downloads window (Linux Mint 10)
Desktop icon DOES correctly work and opens Lazarus for Windows
Menu 'Wine' > 'Lazarus' gives Error 'File not found'.
Menu 'Wine' > 'Browse C: drive' now shows 4 folders:
lazarus, Program Files, users, windows
lazarus folder contains 16 folders and 18 files.
It appears to be a good installation at initial inspection.
Select 'StartLazarus.exe' and Now right mouse click on the file and click
Open With Wine Window Program Loader and click on it.
Lazarus now opens.
Help / About reports
Version #: 0.9.29
Date: 2010-12-23
FPC Version: 2.4.3
SVN Revision: 28808
Compile and run gives error:
Project1 project1 raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'
Run / Reset Debugger
Tools / Configure "Build Lazarus"
[x] Debug
[x] Verbose
[Save Settings]
Tools / Build Lazarus with Profile Build All
Do you want to rebuld Lazarus with profile: Build All
Compiles and Builds without errors
Running the default empty project gives the same error
Project "project1" successfully built.
runtime error
Project1 project1 raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'
Try again with [x] Examples ON
Heap dump by heaptrc unit
1025279 memory blocks allocated : 134018729/136853672
1025279 memory blocks freed : 134018729/136853672
0 unfreed memory blocks : 0
True heap size : 1081344 (144 used in System startup)
True free heap : 1827632
Should be : 1081200
Lazarus restarts
File > Close all editor files
open location > My computer and find my existing and tested lazarus projects
on my external NexStar Lite 250GB drive then I copied and pasted then into
my Computer / Home / Public / lazarus_source_code folder
Tools / Configure [ ] Examples (unchecked)
same error now
as earier. Memory heap error as above.
Code from win32object.inc
function TWin32WidgetSet.WinRegister: Boolean;
WindowClass: WndClass;
WindowClassW: WndClassW;
Assert(False, 'Trace:WinRegister - Start');
if UnicodeEnabledOS then
with WindowClassW do
Style := CS_DBLCLKS;
LPFnWndProc := @WindowProc;
CbClsExtra := 0;
CbWndExtra := 0;
hInstance := System.HInstance;
hIcon := Windows.LoadIcon(MainInstance, 'MAINICON');
if hIcon = 0 then
hIcon := Windows.LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION);
hCursor := Windows.LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
hbrBackground := 0;
LPSzMenuName := nil;
LPSzClassName := @ClsNameW;
Result := Windows.RegisterClassW(@WindowClassW) <> 0;
if Result then
with WindowClassW do
style := style or CS_SAVEBITS;
if WindowsVersion >= wvXP then
style := style or CS_DROPSHADOW;
hIcon := 0;
hbrBackground := 0;
LPSzClassName := @ClsHintNameW;
Result := Windows.RegisterClassW(@WindowClassW) <> 0;
else begin
with WindowClass do
Style := CS_DBLCLKS{CS_HRedraw or CS_VRedraw};
LPFnWndProc := @WindowProc;
CbClsExtra := 0;
CbWndExtra := 0;
hInstance := System.HInstance;
hIcon := Windows.LoadIcon(MainInstance, 'MAINICON');
if hIcon = 0 then
hIcon := Windows.LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION);
****** ^^^^^^ Excution halts on this line
with runtime error
Project1 project1 raised exception class 'External: SIGSEGV'
My application is fully debugged and tested on lazarus
Crashes on 0.9.29 under Windows WINE 1.3 on Linux Mint 10 (codename Julia)
hCursor := Windows.LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
hbrBackground := 0;
LPSzMenuName := nil;
LPSzClassName := @ClsName;
Result := Windows.RegisterClass(@WindowClass) <> 0;
if Result then
with WindowClass do
style := style or CS_SAVEBITS;
if WindowsVersion >= wvXP then
style := style or CS_DROPSHADOW;
hIcon := 0;
hbrBackground := 0;
LPSzClassName := @ClsHintName;
Result := Windows.RegisterClass(@WindowClass) <> 0;
t(False, 'Trace:WinRegister - Exit');
--- end
Peter Eric Williams
--- End of file
Merry Christmas 2010
(Christmas Eve 2010 Hobart time Australia)
Happy Debugging you fantastic developers of Lazarus.
When can we please expect to see 0.9.30 of Lazarus released as a new stable
Fond Regards, Peter Eric WILLIAMS
--- Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
--- Phone: +61 (03) 6236-9675
My free websites are: http://pewink.info (&)
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