[Lazarus] Sourceforge and Cuba

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 08:33:51 CET 2010

theo wrote:
> Hmm, the fact that this thread already has a lot of messages but the 
> "content" thread (which it is all about imho) has not recieved one 
> answer makes me a bit sceptical about this project...
> ;-)
If I try to remember where all this started, it was the lack of a simple 
welcome page (with which I heartily agree). 

If someone with a small degree of graphic design skills (by which I 
exclude myself) were to build a static html page with a short "This is 
lazarus" paragraph, and links to "this is the documentation", "this is 
the wiki", "this is the forum", "this is where you get it", "this is the 
'hello world' program tutorial" (if there isn't one in the wiki, there 
soon could be), then this would cover most of the original concerns, at 
least during the year or so it looks like taking the full new web site 
to get off the ground.

John Sunderland

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