[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 2: the content

Bee Jay bee.ography at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 11:30:06 CET 2010

> Ok, and how a user can 'see' where he is? And what we are looking at  
> now
> is the first level navigation. What about the second and third?

Good question. I haven't finish the deeper pages layout proposal. The  
content pages, will have a navigation bar below the shrinked header.  
The shrinked header will be static which will show the appropriate  
slide in regard with the content being displayed. For example, on  
FPC's Features page, the header will show the miniatur of FPC slide. I  
will show you my proposal tomorrow. Now, I need to back to my real job.



...making buzzes at http://twitter.com/beezing
...writing stories at http://beeography.wordpress.com

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