[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 1: the appearance

Bee Jay bee.ography at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 11:39:08 CET 2010

> It would be better a custom design... Could we talk to the Rik - http://silvioclecio.blogspot.com/2009/12/rik-lee-inkscape-com-arte.html

Could you help me provide the images, icon, etc for the new web site?  
My designer is doing this in his spare time, I can't push him too much  
because he also got some works to do. More people help me on this  
website reconstructing work, it'll be better (and faster as well). The  
focus of mine is more on the layout and content structure, because I  
have no skill on web design and graphic art. TIA.



...making buzzes at http://twitter.com/beezing
...writing stories at http://beeography.wordpress.com

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