[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 4: the dev tool

Bee Jay bee.ography at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 12:09:40 CET 2010

On Feb 2, 2010, at 6:05 PM, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> 4. Contributed code repo, it's already available through  
>> Contributed Units on FPC site. I think we should build a new one  
>> for this using fpWeb.
> I was planning to do so. I will also rewrite the testsuite tool.

Great news. This is a hidden treasure, IMO. If we could provide a good  
app for this, I believe FPC/Lazarus will become more popular.

>> 5. Code bounty manager, it's not available, only a page on Wiki. I  
>> think we should build a new app for this for more accountable  
>> participants. This app could become a way to boost FPC and Lazarus  
>> development.
> Sounds interesting :-)

I've been thinking about this since the beginning of the  
reconstruction idea. We really need this app. Just like Contributed  
Code app, this could also makes FPC/Lazarus more popular.

>> 6. Online forum, it's already available using SMF. I think we  
>> should build a new one for this using fpWeb in the future.
> In the future: yes.


>> 7. Website CMS, it's not available. But we can use available CMS  
>> engine i.e. Wordpress, Drupal, or Joomla.
> My personal preference  - pending an implementation in FPC ;) - is  
> WordPress. My experience with the other two was not so positive.


> If the websites are ever to be merged, the main site will be on
> www.freepascal.org, so please use Firebird instead of mysql.

AFAIK, Wordpress is already able to work with Firebird.



...making buzzes at http://twitter.com/beezing
...writing stories at http://beeography.wordpress.com

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