[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 2: the content

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Wed Feb 3 10:33:06 CET 2010

On 03/2/10 7:58, Bee Jay wrote:
> Here's my proposal for content page layout: 
> http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/676/lazwebnewsubpage030210.png
> Please share your idea and opinions.
Your work, even in drafts is good, and bodes well for a revamped web 
presence that has flair and simplicity as well as being succinct, 
informative and attractive for newcomers.

Much of the content in all the FP and Lazarus pages and wiki discloses 
its authorship by non-native English speakers by grammatical glitches, 
curious phrases and spellings, continental European idioms and so on. 
This does not bother me at all - though it is obvious to a native 
English speaker - in fact I rather like the collaborative, international 
feel such 'non-BBC' English often conveys. Indeed I am  amazed at the 
remarkable grasp of English shown by Arabic, Russian, Indonesian, German 
etc. contributors. My own knowledge of languages (other than my mother 
tongue) is woeful by comparison.

However, if we are making a concerted effort to present a more 
'professional' web image, perhaps it is time to impose a more consistent 
style on the more public and static pages, and agree on a few rules of 
style and spelling (British or American English? IDE or I.D.E.? and 
suchlike). What do people think?
I would be happy to offer some time to recast or rewrite material if 
that were deemed helpful.


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