[Lazarus] Delphi converter improvements

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 11:15:19 CET 2010

Juha Manninen wrote:
> That's what I do also.
> A separate branch is good for new experimental features which would break the 
> main project somehow. However, my patches clearly fix issues of an existing 

A workflow we have adopted at work allows for experimental features,
maintenance branches, an always stable branch and quick & dirty ideas
branch. We promote features up the chain through branches, going from
unstable to very stable. At any point in time we can cut a stable release
of our "stable" master branch (Trunk in SubVersion speak).

I think Lazarus could benefit from such a workflow too. There seems to be
more and more experimental feature that go untested because they are
"experimental". Getting more developers to simply switch to another branch
at allow testing of new features before they go to Trunk would be very
beneficial. Beneficial to the Laz developers, end-users and definitely to
the new feature maintainer - get people to test and comment on a new
feature before it makes it into Trunk.

The workflow we use in our company is based on the idea of the Git project
workflow (I'm not advocating please!). It works very well for us - maybe
others could adopt something similar for there environments.


I guess something like this could be adapted to SubVersion, but how good it
will work or if it is possible is up to the Lazarus team.

Is there an official workflow document about the Lazarus project?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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