[Lazarus] Delphi converter improvements

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 13:25:55 CET 2010

Florian Klaempfl wrote:
> florian at ubuntu32:~/fpc/branches/trunk$ svn switch
> http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/fpc/branches/fixes_2_4 > log
> florian at ubuntu32:~/fpc/branches/trunk$ ifconfig eth0 | grep "RX bytes"
>           RX bytes:57681323 (57.6 MB)  TX bytes:1814129 (1.8 MB)

OK, so I create a patch that modifies one line of code. This modification
is in a new branch.

So you justify that I (and anybody else that wants to try out my one line
change) downloads 57 MB for each 'svn switch' command?

 $ (I'm in Trunk)
 $ svn switch ....branch     ( it downloads 57 MB )
 $ (code, code, code)
 $ svn switch ....trunk   ( back to trunk and it downloads *another* 57MB )
 $ (oh wait, I want to try something else..)
 $ svn switch ....branch   ( oops, lets download yet another 57MB )
 $ (okay what I wanted to try doesn't work - let get back to trunk)
 $ svn switch ....trunk     ( it downloads again 57 MB )

I'm sorry but such waist of time and bandwidth is not for me and clearly
not for others developers either.

Only alternative is to download 57MB for each branch, but in separate
directory location - DON'T use 'svn switch'. But that means I need to keep
updating my fpc.cfg settings or updating the Lazarus environment settings
etc. to the new directory locations... To much effort.

I only have 500MB of data available per month on my 3G internet connection.
 That's 8x 'svn switch' using the FPC repository and I'm out of bandwidth!
No more internet for the rest of the month!! So don't even bother asking me
to locate a regression bug, which requires stacks of 'svn switch' commands.

See, I could have contributed more to FPC or Lazarus by searching where
regression bugs were introduced or test new features, but I simply will not
because I can't afford the waisted time, effort and bandwidth. This is
probably why you experience that other developers also don't bother testing
feature branches. Not everybody lives in a country with super fast internet
or unlimited bandwidth.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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