[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 2: the content

Paul van Helden paul at planetgis.co.za
Fri Feb 5 13:30:47 CET 2010

On 2010/02/05 01:20 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:
>> It seems a significant portion of open source projects pick some animal,
>> almost as some type of "mascot", and that is cool
> How can something that everybody is doing be cool!??!
Well, I like it. Animals are not common as mascots for commercial 
software and to me, personally, shows that you're dealing with a 
community (warm, friendly) instead of a corporate entity (cold, greedy). 
I don't know if it all started with the Gnu or Tux and everyone else 
just jumped onto the idea, but it clearly resonates with the open source 
culture on some level. Have a look at this huge collection of open 
source mascots: http://chl.be/mascots/

Just because something is common for some culture doesn't make it 
un-cool. I think trying to be different just for the sake of being 
different is un-cool. Nobody says you have to go and copy someone (like 
the Delphi pillar, etc, has been copied in the Lazarus splash...)

It is a real pity about Jack Wolfskin, but I'd still go for the paw and 
refrain from making T-Shirts with it (or at least have the T-Shirts made 
by someone who cannot be sued :-) ). A big cat's paw print is the 
ultimate emblem of stealth and speed IMHO, since you never see the 
bugger ;-)


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