[Lazarus] Lazarus IDE + Qt annoyances

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 13:51:01 CET 2010

On 06/02/2010, zeljko <zeljko at holobit.net> wrote:
> ok, but what's qt version on that ubuntu ? I suppose 4.5.0 ... which is pretty
>  buggy.

libqt-core  4.5.0-ubuntu4.3

That's Ubuntu 9.04 with all latest OS updates from Ubuntu.

> no screenshoot, but also I don't have such arrow on dropdown menu , so must
>  recompile into gtk2 to see what have to be there :)

Sorry, I forgot the screenshots. I attached my IDE+GTK2 as well so you
can compare the difference.

Also note that under LCL-GTK2 the toolbar button doesn't look like a
button - it's flat. Under LCL-Qt it looks pretty ugly.

> some themes does not draw + symbol on linux (eg. windows theme), dunno why,
>  problem is inside qt probably (QStylePainter), I'm using plastique with

Nope, it's a LCL-Qt4 specific bug. I installed Qt UI Designer and the
treeview nodes are painted correctly. Qt Designer used the theme
(whatever it is) as Lazarus IDE with LCL-Qt did. See screenshot in
separate message (previous attempt was over the 40KB message size).

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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