[Lazarus] SQL question

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 13:39:17 CET 2010

Hello Lazarus-List,

Monday, February 8, 2010, 10:48:34 AM, you wrote:

KL> select a.TYPE, COUNT(*)
KL> from Table a
KL> WHERE a.date between '1.1.2009' and '31.12.2009'
KL> This way I get two dbgrids of data, or two graphs.
KL> I would like to have 1 grid, with three columns : type, count for 2008
KL> and count for 2009, to compare them and to graph them next to eachother.
KL> That's where I'm stuck.

In this cases as data is to be shown or exported I'm simply creating a
MemDS with the data from the 2, 3, ...n queries and using the result
MemDS as the source for the Grid.

Best regards,

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