[Lazarus] SQL question

Ondrej tondrej at gmail.com
Mon Feb 8 14:12:10 CET 2010

On 8 February 2010 12:29, Koenraad Lelong
<lazarus at brouwerij.homelinux.net> wrote:

> Are you sure the first query runs on Firebird 2.0 ?

No, AFAIK, Firebird only supports common table expressions since 2.1.
Here's the SQL statement without the CTE:

     count(*) count_2008
   from table
   where (type = a.type) and (extract(year from date) = 2008)
     count(*) count_2009
   from table
   where (type = a.type) and (extract(year from date) = 2009)
from table a;

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