[Lazarus] Flex/RIA Framework

Adrian De Armas adearmas at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 14:02:04 CET 2010

It is amazing.
Thank u for sharing.

2010/2/8 Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com>:
> Hi all,
> I made a similar post on Delphi newsgroups but I it will be fpc lazarus
> compatible since I need to use it with both envrionments.
> I have started a Rich Internet Application framework which I'll eventually
> put on google code under LGPL or similar license.  I am using Adobe Flex as
> my client but other clients like ExtJS, Silverlight, OpenLazlo, etc should
> be easy enough to implement.
> I'm still in early stages of development, but I need the framework for
> projects that I have to do so I'm working pretty hard on it.  Here's is a
> small wink/flash demo showing the concept.
> http://www.datatrakpos.com/misc/test_flex_delphi.htm
> --
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