[Lazarus] Hiding Comments

theo xpde at theo.ch
Tue Feb 16 11:11:00 CET 2010

Thanks Graeme

>That's why I prefer external documentation like is done with FPC and
>Lazarus projects - using XML files.

This is more for the "final documentation" of functions, but not so good for temporary comments,hints,todos and the like.

> wrap them with {%region} so it enables code-folding.

Code folding still leaves a visible line, so this does not help for one-line comments and is not very handy.

 > change the foreground and background color for comments to be the 
same as
 > the editor background. All comments are now invisible. ;-)

This is sort of what I'm doing now. My comments color ist almost white 
(on white bg.), so that they do not catch my eye.
This helps a little.


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