[Lazarus] Syntax highlighters for SynEdit

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Wed Feb 17 11:10:35 CET 2010

17.02.2010 17:02, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Do you need a fast syntax highlighter with code folding support in a big
> Oh, is all the other editor features in Synedit also part of the
> synhighlighter*.pas files? I though those files only contains the syntax
> highlighting (aka. pretty colors) stuff.
The main reason of the big unit size is the speed optimization but 
indeed, pascal highlighter performs more work like defining the begining 
and the end of the fold regions. Also it has a big piece of code 
preserved for delphi compatibility (in case we ever push our changes to 
the original synedit project).

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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