[Lazarus] Access to  PostgreSQL

Pino Zollo pinozollo at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 23:45:26 CET 2010

Il sabato 20 febbraio 2010 17:17:19 
lazarus-request at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org ha scritto:
> Correct. A grid cannot show blobs. In order to know it is empty, it must
> read it first. So you will always see (blob). This is why I for my
> current project at work choose a varchar(255) (or shorter) for text,
> since it mostly contained labels and captions. These will be returned as
> string.

Well, the Data Base is already there and used by other applications, so
I will not change it.

Just for practising I modified the "test2pg" program that comes with FP to 
make it read into my database and it works perfectly.
See the attached source well compressed.

Here is the output on the terminal: TEXT, REAL and times are properly printed.
pino at IK1CHE:~/LAZARUS$ ./testpg2 
Number of Fields   : 4
|call      |qso_date  |time_on   |freq      |
|Dummy     |2000-01-01|          |          |
|I1BRT     |2009-10-05|19:30:00  |0.555542  |
|IK1CHE    |2002-10-14|19:56:50  |0.135546  |
|YV4AB     |2009-12-21|22:43:07  |14.2      |
|CO2NO     |2009-12-21|22:52:15  |14.2      |

So the data-aware grid or other components are buggy....

As I am new to the list I do not know to whom to tell  it....maybe the expert 
is reading this notes.
I can provide more detail on the data base structure if needed.

.....talking about bugs....I have 2 or 3 more....

Just for tasting here Ctl-V does not work on the IDE editor, but Ctl-C copies 
OK...very annoying while editing....
but the menu  EDIT...Paste works.  

Best Regards



"In the universe there is no time existing as a physical reality,
 there is no past, no present and no future"
"Time is a mind construction into which one experiences motion"
"Time is a flow of irreversible material changes"
-Davide Fiscaletti

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