[Lazarus] QT: installaton error.

Den Jean Den.Jean at telenet.be
Tue Feb 23 20:50:20 CET 2010

On Tuesday 23 February 2010 15:50:10 Kjow wrote:
> Solved.
> I added to path:
> C:\Program Files\QT\qt\bin
> (the directory which contains "mingwm10.dll")
> Now It seems to work well.
Copying dlls around is a recipe for disaster. In the end
after upgrading things, the wrong library will get loaded
and you will not understand. Leave the Qt dlls in the 
Qt installation dir e.g. c:\Qt\4.5.3\bin, leave mingw dlls 
in e.g. c:\MinGW\bin. Both paths should be in the path 
env. variable. This way it is clear what gets called when.

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