[Lazarus] debug windows layout

Silvio Clecio silvioprog at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 09:46:46 CET 2010

Graeme Geldenhuys escreveu:
> The following ASCII art requires a mono font to view correctly.
> ----------------------------------------------------
> MDI interface
>  +-------------------------------+
>  |  Main window                  |
>  |                               |
>  |   +-----------+               |
>  |   | window 1  |               |
>  |   |   +-----------+           |
>  |   +---| window 2  |           |
>  |       |    +-----------+      |
>  |       +----| window 3  |      |
>  |            |           |      |
>  |            +-----------+      |
>  | +4-+                          |
>  | +--+                          |
>  +-------------------------------+
> SDI interface
>  +-------------------------------+
>  |  Main window                  |
>  +-------------------------------+
>  +-----------+            +-----+
>  | window 1  |            | 4   |
>  |   +-----------+        +-----+
>  +---| window 2  |        |     |
>      |    +-----------+   | 5   |
>      +----| window 3  |   |     |
>           |           |   +-----+
>           +-----------+
> ----------------------------------------------------

TDI interface

   |  Main window                              |
   | window 1 [x]| window 2 [x]| window 3[x]|  |
   |                                           |
   |                                           |
   | window 1                                  |
   |                                           |
   |                                           |

[x] = Close button;

The pattern with TDI is also very good ;)

example of TDI applications: Firefox, NetBeans, Aptana, Eclipse, KDESvn.


Silvio Clécio
programmer ObjectPascal - Blog: http://blog.silvioprog.com.br
programmer ObjectPascal - Site: http://www.silvioprog.com.br
programmer ObjectPascal - Twitter: http://twitter.com/silvioprog
grupo Lazarus-BR no Google - http://groups.google.com/group/lazarus-br/
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