[Lazarus] debug windows layout

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 16:31:02 CET 2010

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 5:37 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys
<graemeg.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 27 February 2010 08:12, Martin Schreiber <fpmse at bluewin.ch> wrote:
>> Does your desktop not offer a "Group similar tasks" option? On KDE one can set
>> it to "Always" which groups windows of the same application into one taskbar
>> button. Another possibility is to use virtual desktops.
> Yes, Gnome's taskbar can group icons, but it simply stacks then in a
> submenu of a single button on the taskbar. When you click that taskbar
> button, it shows a "popup" window listing each window related to that
> task. Still useless.
> --
> Regards,
>  - Graeme -

If only there was a taskbar implementation that offered the feature to
just group windows of the same process. I tried virtually every
taskbar/dock implementation in existence and not a single one offer

On a - now - side note, this whole SDI vs MDI discussion is useless.
If you read articles about MDI vs SDI vs TDI (TDI? what a silly name
differentiation!) they are very confusing/confused regarding the
criterion that characterize them.
BTW I've certainly seem some Borland dev call the old Delphi IDE a MDI.


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