[Lazarus] My two wishes for the Message window of the IDE

Sergei Gorelkin sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru
Sun Feb 28 18:53:21 CET 2010

Juha Manninen wrote:
> I never used OutputDebugString() in Delphi but I guess the main challenge is 
> to detect if Lazarus IDE is present while the program is running. The rest 
> should be easy.
> procedure OutputDebugString(Msg: string);
> begin
>   if <IDE_Is_Present> then
>     IDEMsgIntf.IDEMessagesWindow.AddMsg(Msg,'',-1);
> end;
> So, how to test it?
There should be no need to test for the IDE. Just write messages to some named IPC channel, and have 
the IDE (or whatever other "log viewer" application) listen on the other side. IIRC this is how 
OutputDebugString works, it uses a named pipe for communication.


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