[Lazarus] Incorrect documentation for TCustomTreeView.TopItem

Vladimir Zhirov vvzh.lists at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 12:12:06 CET 2010

Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> I'm currently revising the documentation. If you can create an patch, 
> you can send it to me and I'll commit it, or you proceed in the usual 
> way, using the bug tracker.
> ...
> I'd suggest that you (or everybody else) reviews the entire
> documentation of a class, and creates an patch for an update.
> ...

Ok, then one more question. Can we use parts of existing Delphi
documentation (I mean words and phrases, not entire help articles),
or it is illegal and we must create a "cleanroom" docs? In the latter
case avoiding Delphi documentation at all could be quite difficult for
those whose English is poor. I.o.w. should we leave ambiguous terms
to the review of native English speakers rather than spy such terms in
Delphi docs?

Best regards,
Vladimir Zhirov

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