[Lazarus] Build/Rebuild lazarus with components

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Jan 18 11:08:26 CET 2010

On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 00:17:34 +0100
Kjow <antispammoni at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I need to compile lazarus in terminal (or command prompt) including
> all components already installed.
> I mean that I made a simple batch script on windows startup that
> download fpc svn, lazarus svn, recompile fpc and finally recompile
> lazarus, but every time I run Lazarus (after relative "make clean
> all") I haven't any extra component. I need to click in "build" voice
> in IDE menu.
> How can I include all packages (extra and not) in command line compiling?


> I noticed also that lazarus.exe hasn't the icon, how to associate it to the exe?

It is already compiled in.
Maybe Paul can answer this?

> Finally, how to automatically strip lazarus.exe? It is 119Mb... :)

Add to your script:
strip --strip-all lazarus.exe


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