[Lazarus] Groundwork for Undo in Form Designer

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 11:12:27 CET 2010

Aleksa Todorovic wrote:
> Mercurial (as any other DVCS) definitely requires more technical
> knowledge than SVN, so if you do not have real need for DVCS, just
> stay with good-old SVN :-)

Well said and I fully agree. I often need to look at old revisions of code
(finding regression bugs etc.) and having to re-checkout complete revisions
using SVN is just too damn slow (even on our office 4Mb connection). So I
switched to using DSCM systems and it resolved all my issues I had with
SubVersion.  And like you said, with DSCM comes more power and features, so
it makes sense to re-evaluate your workflow to see if you still have the
most optimised workflow for the new toolchain. Florian fails to see this point.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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