[Lazarus] cross-distro (and OS) app installation - what would you like?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 16:25:58 CET 2010

Juha Manninen wrote:
>>  * we use recommended *.desktop and *.directory files for menu items
> Do you mean there is a standard way for that for all window managers? Ok then, 
> I didn't know. There are tens of different window managers around.

Yes, there is a standard. Most (still active in development) like Gnome,
KDE, XFCE and many other smaller ones support the recommendations from
freedesktop.org. So slowly but surely things are improving on the Linux
side for software developers. :)

>> Does RPM support dependency checks? Last time I used RedHat (years ago) it
>> did not.
> It must have been MANY years ago. I think RPM format has always supported 
> dependencies but the tools didn't support it well in the past.

RPM definitely didn't have auto dependency resolution in the last RedHat I
used, which was 8.0 or 8.1 I think. So yes, that was very long ago. :) I
still remember what a nightmare that was, trying to figure out what do
download from where. Same applied to Slackware with it's .tgz files.

So when I switched to Ubuntu in 2005, .deb files and it's repository system
was a godsend!

> Now the support is very good, as good or even better than in Debian based

That is good to know. Maybe I should try a new RedHat (or is it called
Fedora now) distro in a Virtualbox session to see how things changed.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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