[Lazarus] cross-distro (and OS) app installation - what would you like?

Phil Hess macpgmr at fastermac.net
Thu Jan 21 02:06:20 CET 2010

----- "waldo kitty" <wkitty42 at windstream.net> wrote:

> >
> > Another way OSS works is that you're not our mommy.
> and the other way around... we're not your mommy, either... the main
> thing to 
> remember about OSS is there is no :( in OSS ;)

Waldo, I have no idea what that means. Hope it's something funny.

The subtext of what I'm saying is that this list seems more and more like a Linux club. Many of the ideas expressed here seem to start with Linux and end with Linux. That's fine if that's all you have and that's your audience. But then the poster sometimes makes the fatal error of assuming his ideas are universal. From my vantage point over in the Mac/Windows/Web app/iPhone OS universe, it can be a bit exasperating.

Part of this is probably related to the evolution of Lazarus more and more into the best tool for developing Linux apps (which is great) but maybe less and less the best tool for other platforms. And sure, that's no problem either, if that's the direction they want to take it.

Interestingly, FPC appears to going the other direction, producing compiler versions that are more and more targeted at specific platforms. Certainly for OS X and iPhone OS the new {$modeswitch objectivec1} is simply the most exciting thing I've seen in 10 years of using Macs.



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