[Lazarus] Cross platform 'open file with default program'

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 10:48:28 CET 2010

2010/1/24 Juha Manninen <juha.manninen at phnet.fi>:
> If OSX supports your 'xdg-open' then most environments are covered.

I doubt it will. As far as I know xdg tools are for Linux only (maybe
other unix OSes too, but ain't sure).

> This makes sense only with GUI. Command line progs can't use it.

There are other scripts for command line tools too, like opening URL's
with lynx, or editing files with a console editor (vi, mcedit,
joe,...) etc..

> This should be included in FPC/Lazarus libraries, but which one?

I know that Lazarus IDE already uses xdg-open under Linux for OpenURL
- before trying other known web browsers. As for where in LCL such
code should go, I have no idea. Where is OpenURL defined?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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