[Lazarus] show tables problem

claude claude.pomalo at free.fr
Sun Jul 4 15:44:46 CEST 2010


i have created a component to dump mysql database whis zeoslib.
Converting it to use lazarus SQLDb component i have the folowing problem

to list table in my database i use the "SHOW TABLES" statment.
According with the mysql 5 syntax
SHOW [FULL] TABLES [{FROM | IN} /|db_name|/]

    [LIKE '/|pattern|/' | WHERE /|expr|/]

I use a "SHOW TABLES FROM dbname". this work well with zeoslib but
on SQLDb. the query raise an error:

"Error executing query: table "mysql.mysql" does'nt exist"

using only "SHOW TABLES" work and return result

I think it 's a bug


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