[Lazarus] Some information please

Kjow antispammoni at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 11:24:45 CEST 2010

2010/7/3 jjb <realnug at gmail.com>:
> I am an interested observer of Lazarus but I know very little about it.
> I would be grateful for any information.

I'm an indie developer
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game_development#Indie_development) and
I'm developing a 3D game with Lazarus+GLScene+Newton (between
university's exams: it is my thesis degree).
I'm really satisfied; it is a powerful system: multiplatform, hardware
accelerated, simply enough to have a speedy development.

I think that I have nothing to invidiate from C++ and direct
opengl/directx. I'm using OpenGL 3, I can use shaders, multithread
language and physic libs, etc...

OP is powerful enough to be competitive with all others language, FPC
is an incredible compiler and this community is amazing (GLSCene and
Newton communities, also).

I'll try to sell my game when I'll finish it (maybe via Steam) and I
really hope to create a software house around Lazarus+GLScene (so I
will be able to help all these communities in a better way).

My optimistic view of life :)


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