[Lazarus] OSX 10.6 and GDB crashing

Andrew Brunner andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 03:07:33 CEST 2010

On Thu, 15 Jul 2010, Joost van der Sluis wrote:

> On Wed, 2010-07-14 at 17:01 +0200, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>> On Wed, 14 Jul 2010, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
>>> On Tue, 2010-07-13 at 12:23 -0300, Marcelo B de Paula wrote:
>>>> Thanks Joost for the answer.
>>>> I forgot to mention that i am using Lazarus trunk (0.9.29 rev 26602) with
>>>> fpc 2.5.1.
>>> A perfect example that this information is necessary. Now I wrote a
>>> complete mail with useless information. (My last email that is)
>>>> I just mentioned TClientDataset because of others said here in the list and
>>>> in Lazarus forum.
>>>> My concern is that the component seems to be incomplete e can cause some
>>>> user headache and needs to be bug reported.
>>>> If it is available in component palette, IMHO, it could offer more in design
>>>> time, and not assume
>>>> that the final user will know that he must do all the stuff in code.
>>>> BTW, if someone has some sample of its use, please send it to me.
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> There are a lot in packages/fcl-db/tests. But maybe not very 'easy' to
>>> understand.
>>> I now remember a bur-report that looks like your story. Someone tried to
>>> create a dataset using the fields definitions. But that is, afaik, not
>>> possible. Also not with a TCLientDataset. (If this is possible using a
>>> TClientDataset, please tell me. In that case I have some coding to do)
>> If you mean fill up FieldDefs, and call 'CreateDataset' : Yes, you can.
>> You can even do it with Persistent fields present.
> When I wrote 'fields definitions' I meant the definitions of the several
> TFields in the fields property. Not the FieldDefs.
> Sorry for the confusion. It is already possible to use the TFieldDefs to
> create a dataset. But it is _not_ possible to create a dataset based on
> TFields. So that's ok?

That's OK.

Creating the necessary fielddefs based on TFields would be a no-brainer, 


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