[Lazarus] disable the debugger capturing the OutputDebugString() messages

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Tue Jul 20 17:24:57 CEST 2010

On Tue, 20 Jul 2010, Bernd wrote:

> 2010/7/20 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
>> I suggest you look at the debugserver tool and the dbugintf units in FPC.
> Lazarus still keeps surprising me :-) Are there more such useful
> things that are still hiding from me deep down in some subdirectories
> I that I have never visited?

Undoubtedly :-)

> My first impression was: This little gem would deserve to be directly
> available from the tools menu in every standard installation of
> Lazarus or even directly integrated in the IDE itself and accessible
> from the debug menu. It does *exactly* what OutputDebugString() +
> DebugView does for me on windows and could serve as a complete
> replacement.

I happen to agree with you, but the decision on that is for the lazarus

I even have some special code templates:

sendd ->  {$ifdef debug}SendDebug('|');{$endif} 
sendf ->  {$ifdef debug}SendDebugFmt('|',[]);{$endif} 
sendu -> {$ifdef debug}dbugintf,{$endif}
sendb -> {$ifdef debug}SendMethodEnter('|');{$endif}
sende -> {$ifdef debug}SendMethodExit('|');{$endif}

Makes it a lot easier to add debugging statements.

> Many thanks for pointing my nose at this useful little tool that was
> already sitting on my harddisk and waiting for me all the time ;-)

Glad to be of help :-)


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