[Lazarus] TListView.TopItem and TListView.GetItemAt()

Bernd prof7bit at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 21 14:24:44 CEST 2010

Kjow wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm developing a multiplatform app and I need to have the same look on
> all OS. Is it possible to include a my personal font in the Lazarus
> compiled binary to have the same graphic/size/etc on all OS?

Since nobody else has commented: I've done this with Delphi in Windows, 
embedding a (bitmap) font as a resource. Quite frankly I didn't find it 
entirely satisfactory since if for some reason the OS though that the 
binary was locked it couldn't access the resource and fell back to a 
"close equivalent".

I'm not sure that the same can be done in a portable fashion because of 
the X/unix case where the binary and the fonts are potentially stored on 
different hosts. It /might/ be possible to handle that particular case 
by making the app look like an X font server, but that would clearly 
fail if there was already one set up.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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