[Lazarus] Handheld development

Andrew Brunner andrew.t.brunner at gmail.com
Tue Jul 27 14:12:44 CEST 2010

>> catapult Lazarus into regions that are currently exclusively occupied by
>> Netbeans and IntelliJ.
> I think that yes, from my experience with java assembler I would say
> that java can be treated as just another CPU, although with some
> special features. Some developers say that no, it would never work
> good enough to be compatible with most existing code. I guess that
> only trying will prove if it works or not.

I was assuming that FPC (compiler) and Lazarus (IDE) aren't tied
together in the future.  If resources were available I could see the
Environment dialog pivoting off FPC (For desktop/server computing)
Android SDK X.Y, X-Code *, etc.

Meaning it is entirely plausible that Lazarus leverages Android and
other SDKs in the future and output application packages identical or
nearly identical to what is expected.  With that being said... C and
Java would be written/expected as far as Syntax is concerned.

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