[Lazarus] CodeTools: what is an "identifier"

Bernd Kreuss prof7bit at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 28 19:02:07 CEST 2010

Martin wrote:

> procedure TOnlineState.SwitchStateToOffline( Connection: TBaseConnection);
> begin
>    Connection.SayGoodBye;
>    Connection.GoOffline;
> end;

It would show like this:

- TOnlineState.SwitchStateToOffline( Connection: TBaseConnection)
  + Connection.SayGoodBye
  + Connection.GoOffline

and then when I click on one of them It would scan the whole project and
then pop up a list of all possible overrides that looks like:


and because I know that I am interested in what it does with a
TFooBarConnection (because somehow I know (from understanding the code)
that I *now* want to know what will happen with a TFooBarConnection) I
click on TFooBarConnection and then my Tree looks something like this:

- TOnlineState.SwitchStateToOffline( Connection: TBaseConnection)
  - TFooBarConnection(Connection).SayGoodBye
    + MySocket.Send('quit' + #13)
    + SomethingElse.DoSomething()
  + Connection.GoOffline

Later I might click on it again, delete the subtree and explore a new
one with a different override.

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