[Lazarus] Obtaining Control Address

SteveG steveg at nevets.com.au
Fri Jul 30 02:06:44 CEST 2010

On 7/29/2010 10:14, Juha Manninen wrote:
>   I really don't know what went wrong. The fact is however that something went
> wrong for a person who can install most other SW. It means the installation is
> not as easy as it should be.

i kinda have to disagree there... it is not the installation or the installer 
that is the problem... quite simply is seems to be, based on your very brief 
error message(s), a permissions problem... you've seen this in the *nix world if 
you've installed the normal .deb or .rpm lazarus packages... they go in as admin 
and then users trying to use the libs can't get them (re)compiled because they 
don't have write access in the lib directories and similar... this is one of the 
main frustrations for all the different OS' when the packages aren't or can't be 
installed by the users in their own working directories...

> BTW, do you think my idea of compiling a program using Lazarus by a
> non-programmer is a stupid idea? I honestly thought it was a cool idea.

considering that it is SOP in the *nix world, i don't think it a bad idea at 
all... especially when *nix users can generally get to a command line and type 
"make; make install"... all in all, i think it is a GoodIdea<tm> but there are 
some situations and problems to be handled... you've just found them and they 
are some of what i and others have complained about before ;)

> But, maybe Lazarus should be touched only by programmers and it kind of
> justifies the difficult installation. It works as an intelligence test. If you
> can't install it, you are too stupid to program.

again, it is not the install that's the problem... it seems, from your post, to 
be purely permissions... indeed, if this was a fresh install then there were 
likely libraries that needed to be compiled and their output directory was a 
place where he had restricted permissions...

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