[Lazarus] Lazarus installer

Bernd Kreuss prof7bit at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 30 15:08:00 CEST 2010

Bernd Kreuss wrote:
> Maybe the website should be updated to include these downloads.

And maybe some automatically updated symlinks or redirects with always
the same names like

* lazarus-latest-fpc-2.4.3-win32.exe
* lazarus-latest-fpc-latest-win32.exe

that could then be easily linked to from the wiki or any other website
or mentioned in a forum post or in an email message to someone and
always work would also be a nice idea.

Such a direct link would be easier than having to write something like:
"go to the ftp server and find the file that has lazarus and fpc-2.5.1
and win32 and .exe in its name, it should be somewhere near the top of
the list".

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