[Lazarus] RFC: remove StayOnTop for splash screen

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 07:43:17 CET 2010

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> Or maybe use a treeview so the open files can be grouped, for example
> by directory or files in the project, files in a package, ...

For me at least, it isn't important to know if units are in different
directories or packages instead of project. The important part is easily
getting to the opened files, reordering them etc.

OpenUnitFiles.lpk does all of this already. Maybe it can be integrated and
replacing the PageControl. Embed the 'Open unit files' dialog into the
editor window on the right, and remove PageControl completely, or hide the
tabs. Then we have the best of both worlds.

 * Vertical display of open files on all platforms.
 * Quick search feature to find open unit
 * Reordering of files by simply draging them up or down

The only reason I'm not using OpenUnitFiles.lpk by default is because it's
a separate window and duplicates some information already displayed by the
PageControl. But having this as part of the editor window and replacing the
tab would be brilliant. :)

If you haven't seen that add-on package yet, here is a screenshot of it

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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