[Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Sun Mar 7 14:40:03 CET 2010


> > What did you think of my idea of different GUI-specific target modes for 
Lazarus 2.0? I myself feel it is an extremely cool idea!
> It is already possible to do so.
> Have a look at the examples/designnonlcl directory in Lazarus.
> It was created specially for such things.

Interesting. The framework is basically there.

Object oriented QT-pascal mapping would be rather easy to do. The existing 
code maps C++ classes and methods to flat functions, they just need to be 
mapped back to Object Pascal classes and methods. Clumsy but who cares.

Other part would be a QT aware form designer with a different layout manager. 
That would need some work and a more modular, refactored form designer 
interface in IDE.
Still, doable...

This is a fascinating idea actually. Combining the good parts of QT and pascal 

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